RD-blog-number-6402 by Herb Zinser reviews the music military commander Frank Zappa and modern warfare.
Frank Zappa - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Frank Vincent Zappa (December 21, 1940 – December 4, 1993) …
RD-blog-number-6402 by Herb Zinser reviews the music military commander Frank Zappa and modern warfare.
Frank Vincent Zappa (December 21, 1940 – December 4, 1993) …
Rd-blog-number--6369 by Herb Zinser reviews the the TRIAL of BOSTON citizens and their arrogant attitude nonsense .. a superior attitude ... that causes many, many intellectual and concept ERRORS.
Their lies and incomplete explanations of the President Kennedy and Robert Kenendy assas…
RD-blog-number-4193 by Herb Zinser reviews the clues that provide the information pathway about the music harmonic harm wave murder of Robert Franks.
Let's look at another blog post that lays the foundation of the situation .... and then the music composition that lead to the Leopold and Loeb…
Z-paper 737 by Herb Zinser provides some data about Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE comprised of nouns, verbs, concepts, math equations, flowcharts, etc. The ideas found in math and science textbooks are part of the SYMBOL MACHINE.
Piece of MIND song with harm harmonic wav…
Z-paper 1188 by Herb Zinser provides some data about Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE comprised of nouns,verbs, concepts, math equations, flowcharts, etc. The ideas found in math and science textbooks are part of the SYMBOL MACHINE.
Z-paper 1024 by Herb Zinser
Below, the RAY Davis optical bio-computer system with the optical chess piece ROOK ...of bROOKhaven Labs in the Murphy chess and physics hierarchy.
Paul Charles Morphy (code M + or + physics) (June 22, 1837 – July 10, 1884) was an America…
Z-paper-1257 by Herb Zinser reviews audio languages and the human brain bio-computer .... the harm component of harmonic sound waves to the EAR.
The Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family ... atomic social philosophy conflict expression at Cole Hall is well-known.
The conflict occurred in DeKalb in the geography STATE of Illinois ..... and the brain engineering conflict occurred
in the STATE of MIND --> Ill/ sic…